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The Filled Stocking Company Journal

Sleek Hair in a Stocking

We are so much better informed about looking after ourselves these days and haircare has come on leaps and bounds since the days of scalding heat treatments and chemicals so strong the hairdresser had to don the full PPE kit.

The Filled Stocking Company has shied away from shampoo and conditioner, this really can be too personal. But good hair care doesn't stop with those products, to get the best out of our hair we can be clever about something very simple - how it dries.

In 2020, Karen (of Good Wash Day) set out to find the right towel for her hair and when she found nothing, she set about making something.

"I knew I wanted Good Wash Day towels to be as versatile as possible - suitable for all hair types, beneficial to those experiencing hair loss, great for travel, the gym, the pool, yoga. Because they're so lightweight, comfortable and absorbent people really do use them in all of these ways."

Karen created a towel that is versatile, she wanted people with curly or wavy hair to be able to 'plop' with the towel and she didn’t want a turban shape with a button because she wanted to avoid the need to twist hair round and round. Good Wash Day towels are the same shape (and a similar size) to regular towels but they are made from a different fabric - hair-kind organic jersey cotton.

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